
ChristianStar.TV brings a wealth of programming designed to inspire, educate, and entertain, rooted in Christian values and beliefs. We are a new network, and if you would like to join us, support us, we would love to hear from you! Contact us for more info 

Coming Soon

Explore the world of entertainment, art, and music that celebrates faith and creativity. Engage with renowned authors through insightful interviews and delve into health, fitness, and food content that promotes a wholesome lifestyle.

Christian Star Shopping Show | Christian Star Store

Our ‘Christian Star Shopping’ provides a faith-based perspective on consumer choices.

Bible Studies | Prophecies | Dreams | Visions

Join us for insightful training stories, in-depth Bible studies, and explorations of prophecies, dreams, and visions.

Prayer | Praise | Encouragement

 We aim to cater to the spiritual, emotional, and intellectual needs while fostering shared values.

Spanish | French | Missions

We offer programs in Spanish, French, and dedicated missions content that brings the message of hope and faith to diverse audiences worldwide.

Entertainment | Art | Music | Authors | Interviews

Explore the world of entertainment, art, and music that celebrates faith and creativity. 

Movies | Shorts | Documentaries | Reviews

Coming Soon, Dive into Christian-themed movies, shorts, and thought-provoking documentaries.

Music Videos | Live Music Praise Nights

Kids | Teens | Young Adults

Coming Soon, For our younger audience, we have tailored programs for kids, teens, and young adults that are both entertaining and educational. 

Animals | Comfort | Training | Stories

From animal care and behavior to comfort and emotional reassurance, practical training tips, these programs center around animals and their relationships with humans.

Business | Making Money | Entrepreneurial Mind

Engaging in discussions on making money with an entrepreneurial spirit while staying true to Christian principles.

Podcasts | Talk | Lifestyle

We tackle profound topics like near and after-death experiences, exploring life beyond this realm that aligns with Christian values.

Near & After Death | Living Without Them

Single Life Stories | Counsel & Support

Our network extends support and encouragement for singles, married couples, and those navigating unequally yoked relationships.

Divine Creations: Christian Star Original Productions

This program features original Christian content, aiming to inspire and entertain audiences through diverse productions aligned with Christian values.

Gardening | Guidance & Practical Advice

This program offers comprehensive guidance and practical advice in gardening, providing insights, tips, and techniques to assist both novice and experienced gardeners in nurturing thriving gardens.

Faithful Passage: Safe Getaways for Christians

Focused on safe travel for Christians, this program highlights destinations and travel guidance, ensuring safe and spiritually enriching experiences for Christian travelers.

Radiant Faith: Christian Star Radio

Coming Soon, This radio program is dedicated to broadcasting content centered on Christian faith, delivering a mix of music, discussions, and inspiring messages to uplift and engage listeners.

Christmas Music Videos | Specials, etc.

Coming Soon, These programs showcases Christmas-themed music videos and specials, celebrating the holiday season with musical performances and festive content.

Christian Star Interviews

Featuring interviews with notable figures in the Christian community, this program offers insights, stories, and discussions on faith-related topics.

Divine Previews: Christian Star Edition

 Coming Soon, Providing previews and insights into upcoming Christian content, this program offers glimpses into upcoming productions, fostering anticipation and engagement among viewers.

Shorts | Reels, etc.

Coming Soon, This segment features short films, reels, or various media content, delivering concise yet impactful stories, messages, or entertainment pieces from a Christian perspective.

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